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What Is DCWT?

"Dad, Can We Talk?" was founded by Anthony Ray with the intention of challenging the negative stereotypes surrounding black fatherhood perpetuated by the media. Anthony recognized that fatherhood, in general, was often stigmatized and portrayed in a negative light. In response, he created a platform called Dad, Can We Talk? to showcase the amazing fathers he personally knew. DCWT serves as a space where fathers from all walks of life can share their experiences, uplift each other, and foster a sense of camaraderie. The platform does not seek to highlight perfect dads, but rather those who are dedicated to their families and constantly striving to improve. The main goal of this podcast is to demonstrate that there are fathers out there who are eager and capable of providing for their families, nurturing their children, loving their partners, and fully embracing the responsibilities of fatherhood. We wholeheartedly support fatherhood and are determined to reshape the narrative surrounding it.

Dad Can We Talk Podcast. Dad podcast featured on spotify, youtube, and apple podcasts
Dad Can We Talk Podcast. Dad podcast featured on spotify, youtube, and apple podcasts

"Dad, Can We Talk?", Est: 2020

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